Nikkormat FTN 35mm f/2.8 Tri-X 400
Many times in my life I get caught up in the work of photography and consciously put the camera down to be able to relax and enjoy time with my loved ones. I mentally separate taking good photographs (for work) and personal photographs (to look back at). I rarely put any thought into the photographs I take for memories and deliberately try to not be technical about them. I lazily just want to remember the time and the place I was with her most of the time.
This day was a special day for my girlfriend and I. It was one of those days when you knew you were with the right person, at the right place, and at the right time. I guess you could say I was feeling more generous than usual about making personal photographs other than the routine iPhone selfie. It could have been the love in the air, or maybe it was just before I had built up that wall of bitterness toward actually thinking about content in my personal life. I don't really remember developing this roll, but when I recently scanned it, nostalgia flooded my being and I realized how nice it was that I took the extra effort that day. These two images are nothing special technically, but they tell the story of that day back to me in a way that lets me relive it in all of its enchanting glory.
I want all of my images to sing to me the way this roll of Tri-X did, and so I believe it's time for me to put away the selfie stick and find the beauty in capturing real memories again.